Monday, November 3, 2008


Dancin for JOY!!

The PET scan came back CLEAR other than the "known" tumor in my brain. This is the most wonderful news. They were unable to report whether the brain tumor is malignant but we are holding on to hope that it is a grade I benign meningioma. There is "dancing" in the Walker home. Thank you all for so many wonderful prayers and thoughts. As stated below, Bob and I will be meeting with the surgeons on November 25th to schedule and discuss the details of the surgery.
This amazing journey has already filled me with God's love and peace through each of you.
In His Grip,


Unknown said...

you're faith and strength are an inspiration to me. You are in my daily prayers. When Roy told me of your situation I was dumbfounded. I didn't know what to say but thought of the plans God has for us and how they come about at will. Life can be very humbling, but God's love is a constant, I know it has been the case for me. I know we have only met casually met at Squires Belt, but anyone who is important to my Big Brother is just as important to me. I will stop in at our church to light a candle for you. You are definately my inspiration. God bless you and your family.

Joe Ortiz

Lazaro Family said...

AMEN!!!!! We are SO thrilled to hear this news. Praise the, just praying that you get great care and wise options in treating the tumor (and perhaps that God will miraculously remove the tumor & the double vision!). LOVE you!

Sean and Brianne said...

I just cant get over it!
When i looked at your blog.. the song that came on was O PRAISE HIM.. it gave me chills!
It was soo perfect!
I love you ma!!

Karrie Pyke said...

So happy for the Walker's!!!!
Your kiddos are some of my best friends, and we have all been praying for you!!!!

Christine said...

YAY!!!!!! We are so glad to hear the good news today Laura! You all have been in Josh and my prayers - Josh has even had his classes at school praying for you! And we will continue to do so!!

But tonight we will thank Him for this wonderful news.

All our Love -
Christine and Josh Hubeler

Anonymous said...


Wonderful news for you and your family! We will continue to pray for you and your family throughout this journey.


Teachableone said...

We've ALL been praying up here in Murrieta. Thank you, God, that the scan is clear!
Your focus on Christ through all of this leaves me without words and I am on my face grateful for your faith and trust--we ARE all learning from this.
Your role model of faith as I have searched to find my role & purpose in our clan has always left me grateful. KNOW that you will continue to be covered in prayer as this journey continues...
We are all praying for strength and peace for ALL of the Walkers and Renfros as they support you through this. Your focus of praise takes us right to the feet of Jesus each time we visit your site to see how you are doing.
We will continue to pray for the physicians and your support team, also.

Relying on His promises,
(Bill and Ernie send love too!)