Wednesday, December 17, 2008


At 10:25am this morning, I recieved a phone call from Sean stating, that the MD just called the waiting room to speak with Bob. It was great news!!!
They neurosurgeon said that it was the best case scenario for Laura! Things couldn't have gone any better. Originally they said the tumor was the size of a lemon. It was actually the size of an Orange.  MIRACLES STILL EXIST!
The tumor was very soft tissue and therefore they were able to remove the 99% tumor without complications!!
They are finished removing the tumor and now are just sewing her back up.
The procedure was supposed to take 5+ hours, but it looks like it will be done very soon
I will continue to update as we know more, but for now.. IT IS WONDERFUL NEWS!!
Thank you for all your prayers.
We love all of you,


Julie said...

Yeah, all of our prayers were answered!! I will continue with my prayers for you Laura so that your recovery will be a smooth one and that you will be able to have a joyous Christmas with your family.

Julie Vincent

Choco Girl said...

This is soooo awesome! God is great!! What a testimony!

Christine said...

the Lord is awesome! We will continue praying for the recovery, but for now we will celebrate God's amazing love!